Thursday 10 February 2011

Double Page Spread Mock Up.

For this double page spread I like the use of the one photo for the background, and I think the white title links in well with the artists shirt. However, the image doesn't leave much room for the actual article, as I didn't want to type over the artist, so this is something I will have to think about. Some parts of the text are also not visible, so I will have to change the colour of my text or change the background to make it visible, and easier to read. I also need to include page numbers at the bottom of my pages so that the readers know where they are in the magazine. The page looks a little bare, so I think I should include another colour as well. The lack of text is something else I need to address, maybe moving the text and quote boxes around so that my page looks though it has more information to offer.

I think this double page spread looks quite boring compared to the other two, as there isn't as much going on. I think that the text could be broken up by one of the quotes to make it look less 'wordy'. The text in the right hand column also overlaps the center of the page, which would make it impossible for the readers to read, so I need to think about where everything is going to go so that it all fits on the page, and it is all visible. I could add another colour to the colour palette to make the page stand out more, and look more interesting. Adding a small quote, or a small sentence to introduce the article, could be fitted under the title to make it look more professional. Page numbers are also required.

I like this double page spread because it has a picture of the featured artist for the background, which is what I want to use for my magazine, but you can also read the article quite easily as well. For the title, quote and 'Exclusive Interview' I should use a bolder font to make them more visible,  and possibly have the quote in black as it is hard to read in the present colour. I like having 'Exclusive Interview' down the side of the page, it makes the article look more important. The text on the left hand side needs to be more clearly separated, because at the moment that block of text looks like a lot of reading, so if it's separated it would make the amount of text look less 'intimidating'.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Peer Evaluation.

From the comments and feedback I have received on my posts in relation to my mock ups, I think there are some elements that I need to take into consideration when creating my magazine. My first comments are on my front cover mock ups, where the minimalist look was liked, but I hadn't got my proportions correct, so this is something I must pay attention to when creating my magazine. Using more colour, rather than just having black and white, was also suggested in relation to my first cover mock up, so I will have to add another colour to my colour palette to make my magazine look interesting.

My choice of artist was also praised, they were considered to fit my magazine's music genre well. I am pleased with this because my model was my first choice to be my artist, and my target audience also like the image she presents.

My double page spread article was good, but needed more information as it wasn't very long. Therefore for my final magazine I will have to write more in for my article to make it look realistic, as it needs to fill the whole page to look convincing. To do this I should include more questions in the interview, add extra information to my introduction and make my artists responses to the questions longer. I could also give more information on the places that my artist went whilst on tour.

My first contents mock up received mixed reviews. The photo I had used contained a different model to the one I was planning to use, and they were not right for the genre of music. In my magazine I will have to refrain from using that person, or take another picture of them that will fit the genre of music my magazine features. However, my colour scheme, blue, white and black, was liked by my peers, and they thought it looked effective. It was suggested that I could use another colour, as the page looked quite bare, plus the blue element was liked, so I won't be getting rid of that colour, more just adding an extra one to my palette. It was also suggested that I add some more text to the page, as the lack of writing made the page look unrealistic, so in my final contents page I will include more text to make my magazine look more professional.

Artist Photos.

These are the photo's I took for my draft magazine, where all the photos, bar one, are of my artist. The first two photos are photos that I took to create an album cover, and the rest of the images are for my front cover, contents and double page spread.

Double Page Spread - Draft.

Final Colour Scheme.

I have finally decided which two vibrant colours I will be using for my magazine, a turquoise-blue and a dark red. Both of these feature on my front cover draft, and with the white and black elements I think it makes the cover look bright and interesting. The red makes the blue look more feminine, as just using the colour blue was something I worried about, as I thought it made the magazine look quite masculine, and this wouldn't attract my target audience.

Double Page Spread Article - New.


Wednesday 2 February 2011

Representation Of Social Group.

My magazine's style and image that is portrayed will represent a certain social group from within society. It links in with target audience in that fact that the magazine will also be aimed at this social group, as it will appeal to them also. The social group that my magazine will appeal to is middle class teenagers, between the ages 15-19, and mainly females, though some males may also be interested. Their fashion sense/style would slightly lean towards the indie look, or clothing that is considered 'out there' and not something people would expect to see. Music will be something that features quite heavily in their lives and some will most likely play an instrument. The social group will be attending school/college and may possibly have a job.