This is an over the shoulder shot that I was considering using for a photo in my contents page. However this test shot has made me think that it wouldn't be a good shot to use for a contents page photo as the pose is usually used to attract people's attention. I also think that if I were to use this shot then I would have to focus more closely on the model and have less background showing.

This is the pose that I was thinking of using on my front cover as I wanted to go for the artistic theme for the front cover. In the photo I want my model to be holding a bunch of balloons of varying colours, hence the pose. I think this shot is a good shot for capturing detail, such as facial expression, but also allowing enough room for props to be visible in the photo.
This photo is the same pose as the previous photo, but from a different angle. This shot allows more room to see the props and consequently, the clothing that my model will be wearing, but some detail would be lost due to the fact that only half the face is visible. Possible buyers may find this off-putting and therefore I think I would rather use the photo above if I choose to continue the idea of using those certain props.
I was considering using this pose for my front cover as it is a bold pose, and consequently wouls draw peoples attention to the magazine cover. I would consider using this pose for my front cover for other pictures I may use on there rather than as the main image.
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