Tuesday 4 January 2011

Main Image.

For my main image I am thinking of using a medium shot of just the top half of my 'celebrities' body, and also changing the photo into black and white. From the photo I would then pick out a recurring colour, maybe the red hair colour and then the red lipstick for example, which would stand out against the rest of the image. I want the style of clothing to be a late 1950's American, but with modern aspects. For example, the model for my main image would wear a jacket like so:
 The hair and makeup would also reflect the 50's era, which I would link to the main article, therefore this means my main article/double page spread is going to be about 50's music. For the photo I want the model to be looking into the camera, therefore when on the front page it gives the impression that the photo is looking at potential buyers and would pique their interest.

1 comment:

  1. The 50's is an interesting decade to pick in terms of style. Very Happy Days. The style of fashion is known (I think) as Americana



    In terms of 'modern' bands who have this fashion style there's only really the drums





    British Sea Power


    Who are musically completely different to Nerina Pallot and Kate Nash who are on your moodboard. Marina and the Diamonds are similar and thats the impression I get for the type of artist and model you're going for.

    You'll need to tidy up your mood board as the hip hop writing used for Indie doesn't fit and some of the other images are a bit broad in terms of connotations (i.e. the space invaders jewelry).
