Wednesday 2 February 2011

Representation Of Social Group.

My magazine's style and image that is portrayed will represent a certain social group from within society. It links in with target audience in that fact that the magazine will also be aimed at this social group, as it will appeal to them also. The social group that my magazine will appeal to is middle class teenagers, between the ages 15-19, and mainly females, though some males may also be interested. Their fashion sense/style would slightly lean towards the indie look, or clothing that is considered 'out there' and not something people would expect to see. Music will be something that features quite heavily in their lives and some will most likely play an instrument. The social group will be attending school/college and may possibly have a job.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going Liana. Mrs Somel spoke to me in very glowing terms about your work last week, she is very proud of the work you are producing (as am I) and is looking forward to seeing what you produce.

    Keep in mind that second contents page (and the cover with the young man on the cover) when producing your DPS as that is the standard you are capable of.
