Thursday 27 January 2011

Contents Page Mock Up.

The style of this contents page is modelled on the Q contents page that I analysed for my research. It has the image to the right side of the page, allowing the more important information to be more easily visible to the magazine buyers. The colour palette consists of the same colours as my first magazine front cover mock up, therefore having the colour scheme run throughout the magazine. Under each article the magazine offers I have included a one line summary of what the article is about, giving the readers more information as to what they may like to read. I have split my left hand column into two sections, the articles for this weeks issue and things that will be there in every issue. This lets the readers to browse through the new articles more easily, as they won't have to look at things that will be in every issue. However, the contents page looks quite bare and gives the impression that the magazine doesn't hold much information. To counteract this I would have to make my text smaller and think up of other articles that may be included in my magazine.

Compared to my first contents page, this mock up is a lot busier and has more examples of articles that the magazine would include. It also includes more images, which I think makes the page look more interesting. I like having a column to inform people what artists and bands are featured in the particular issue, though I believe I could have made it better by adding the page numbers corresponding with where the artists were in relation to the articles, as it would make it easier for people to find their desired reading. The colour palette is red, white and black, but used in this context I don't think it looks as 'rock and roll' style as when it is used on a front page, so therefore if I can use the colours correctly I may be able to avoid that scenario. I don't particularly like having the actual contents in one column on the right hand side, so I think I will have to move some images and text to gain the look I want, which would have the contents column on the left hand side.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First of all I don’t think your artist matches your genre of music however; I believe that’s not the model you’re using on your final design. However, I really like the layout of the contents but I think that "The Regulars" positioning looks a bit off when you compare it to the "contents". I love the choice of colours and how effectively you have used them. :)

  3. You could add another colour in to fill the page as it looks bare. I think the picture is in aligned along the border of the page but it seems you could more writing on the otherside of her. The coulour scheme you have used though is nice; particularly the blue which adds a gentle tone to the contents page :)

  4. I like the overall layout with the big picture and then the writing down the side, and I like the font used for 'contents' and the numbers. However, I think it looks a bit unfinished, possibly because there's quite a lot of blank space but I think if you put in more text it will be fine. I also don't think the photograph is the kind of pose you normally see on a contents page,it is more for front cover. From reading the comments I'm guessing you'll be using a different picture so, I think you could maybe make the photograph a little more interesting or eye catching. :)

  5. That second contents page is excellent Liana, really well done.
