Friday 21 January 2011

Front Cover Mock Up.

The magazine cover shown here uses my chosen colour palette, I think the three colours compliment each other well, and the blue really stands out on the page, which was what I was aiming for. The font use for my coverlines is a little too thin, and consequently it makes it harder for people to read, so I will have to stick to more thicker fonts. The image fits the page nicely, having the mid shot allows more detail to be shown, and the more of the outfits that the model is wearing will be seen, which will help to advertise the genre of music the magazine features. The coverlines are in what I consider to be a good place, at the bottom of the top third of the page, meaning that people will be able to see some of what the magazine offers when it is sitting on a shelf.

This magazine cover is minimalistic in the amount of information it displays on the front cover, which is an aspect I want to use in my magazine, however I don't know whether it would work for a first issue. The greyscale photo stands out against the white background and looks professional, and this allows me to use white font as well as a brightly coloured font. It would also allow me to have brightly coloured drawings, which was an element I wanted to include in my magazine front cover. The price I have placed in the top right corner in a red front, but I don't think it is visible enough so I would have to change the colour of font or move the price to a different part on the cover. I like the white font on the image because it stands out, but combined with the red font I think it makes the magazine look as if it concentrates on a rock genre of music, which is not the impression I want to give.

 This front cover shows the minimalistic look again, only having the basic information and one image. The image on this mock up is a close shot of a face, however the image doesn't interact with the masthead which is a reoccurring theme in every magazine, as it makes the whole page look more 'together'. The mock up is also missing the issue number, and I need to include this on my final product. The text on the design is also in the wrong place in context to the masthead and image, so I will have to think more carefully about where I am to put my coverlines and advertisements. The cover also looks quite plain due to the lack of colour used, however the reason I didn't include colour is that I wished to see how the image would look if it were the only colourful thing on the page. I have decided that I am going to include other colours on my front cover though, as over all it makes the magazine look more professional, and also more interesting.


  1. Liana.

    I like what you've tried to do, very minimalist, but think a bit more about proportions and composition. 'Bringing Sexy Back!' is in the 'wrong' place as are your sisters eyes (in terms of the page, not her face in case you think I'm being rude). Look at this explanation of thirds

    Play around with enlarging the image of your sister until it fits better.

  2. I really like the simplicity of this cover, something you could change would be adding a colour that contrasts the black and white :)
