Wednesday 19 January 2011

Audience Profile.

My target audience is going to be teenagers between the ages of 14-19, who are interested in music, but mainly the genre of Indie music. I think my magazine would lean more towards teenage girls as I can relate to that group more than others, and therefore I find it easier to advertise my magazine to them. Here is some information on the type of person who would fit into my target audience:

This is Jemma :) She's 17 and lives in Braunstone, Leicester. She goes to Lutterworth College where she is currently taking her A-levels which include: media studies, english literature, english language and food technology. I have chosen to use Jemma as an example of my target audience because she is in the middle of my age range and listens to the genre of music I am featuring in my magazine. As well as listening to indie artists such as Snow Patrol and Kate Nash, she also listens to 'soft rock' like Coldplay and Muse. As this is the main aim I am going for in my magazine it makes Jemma fit into my target audience easily. Jemma gets her music from sites such as Spotify, and is a regular user of her iPod, and consequently uses iTunes frequently.

Jemma likes to spend her time with her friends, whether going out or just spending some time talking. This gives her a chance to share similar interests, which is a quality I am looking for in my target audience, as this would help boost magazine sales. Her clothes tend to be items that she feels comfortable in, but she also likes items with a 'quirky' streak, such as tops with moustaches on. My magazine is going to include a similar streak of difference via clothes, which should hopefully interest more people in my target audience.

Jemma feels that a music magazine should contain interviews with artists, information about up-coming artists, articles about new albums/singles, and any other pieces that would be relevant to the genre of music she is interested in.

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