Monday 17 January 2011

Magazine Covers - Artistic.

This magazine front cover is very artistic in the way that it is void of colours and seems to be completely drawn, which is something not usually used on music magazines, because they tend to stick to the idea of using a photograph. Even though the image looks as if it has been drawn on, the whole page looks 'seemless' as it all fits together easily. The use of no colour in the image makes it look more interesting and allows the bottom part of the magazine to stand out more clearly as the colours would jump out off the page. The image could be seen as a type of parody, because the way the two women have been drawn is not what would be considered flattering, and it tries to make them look silly. The magazine could be trying to portray that not everyone is as perfect as models usually used on the cover of magazines, and therefore allowing people to see that they don't focus on perfection in their magazine.

In this edition of Interview colours are relied on very heavily to make the magazine stand out. The use of the colours makes the magazine look very bright and vibrant, which is very eye-catching and would look more interesting to people than other, duller, magazine covers. The colours could also be used to signify the fact that Rihanna is considered to be a colourful character, or that her music is very bright and lively. It also makes the masthead stand out on the page as the white font contrasts to the bright colours used and therefore makes it easier to read. Similarly, the black font on the cover ties in with the black of Rihanna's outfit, but at the same time stands out from the bright colours, making it easier to see/read. Having the flowers gives the image a slight edge of innocence, which is a connotation people usually make with flowers, but it could also give the idea of seduction, which would tie in with Rihanna's pose and expression.Colour is used predominantly to gain interest, and I think the magazine uses this technique very well.

This is another magazine front cover that relies on colour to make it stand out against other magazines. The pink lighting ties in with the pink font, mainly used for the masthead, and is included in the magazines colour palette. The blue lighting contrasts with the pink lighting, giving the effect that the artist has two sides, which the magazine has represented by using the two different colours. The background colour contrasts with the image and makes the image seem brighter and vibrant. The pastel colours also makes the image stand out, but also makes the text easy to read and clear to see.

1 comment:

  1. Liana

    the top image has echoes of this

    with the eyelashes. This was used in this

    and the threatening smile (which hide melancholy) comes through a lot. The fashion in the video is early 60's and the interiors and exteriors are similar to le corbusier, look at some of his architecture.

    If you're going for controversial you could give the 50's this sinister and threatening appearance.
