Thursday 13 January 2011

Magazine Pitch Evaluation.

From the feedback that I received from my magazine pitch I know that I have to changed my magazine name to something else, and to use the final font for my masthead. out of my options that I had chosen. I am also thinking of using the colour scheme red, white and blue, because I think the colours stand out and give the vibrant edge I wanted. I need to think more about how many images I am going to use overall in my magazine, and other people that I could use for these shots, the style that I would dress them in and how I want them to pose. The feedback also made me think that I need to use props in my images, to make them more interesting and different from other magazines, as quite a few people are thinking of using a grey scale photo on a white background. To the idea of having a 1950's theme for the particular issue when down quite well with the audience and they seemed quite interested in how I was going to achieve that look. I also need to think more about what I am going to do for my double page spread article, and I am leaning more towards an interview with my artist as I think it would be more interesting to my target audience. Another thing I need to consider is where I will shoot my other images, as I don't want all my photos to be on a white background.

Overall I think that my magazine pitch went well because not only did it confirm my idea that I need to change my magazine title, but it gave me an insight into other elements I need to think about and plan, in effect, making me more prepared for creating my magazine. The feedback I received made me more inclined to carry on with the 50's theme and the style of my main image that I was thinking to use.

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