Tuesday 21 December 2010

Colour Palette.

For my colour palette I want a mixture of vibrant and more neutral colours. I definitely want to use the colour white, and is it a useful colour and can be used for lots of different elements in a magazine. White is a colour which compliments other colours, making them more vivid and eye catching and for this reason is used quite frequently in magazine colour schemes. I also want to use colours that are not usually seen on magazines, who generally tend to stick to black, white and bright colour, as it would make my magazine look more interesting and stand out against other magazines. I think I would like to use the colour turquoise, or something similar, in my colour palette, as it is a colour that can be associated with either gender, making the magazine less biased in it's style, and it is also a vibrant colour, which is an element I would like to have.

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