Q Magazine, Contents Analysis.

The contents page shows the magazine name twice, in effect to remind the readers what magazine they're reading. The first 'Q' is accompanied with the number 180, which refers to the the issue number. The use of this also links the contents page to the front cover, and therefore would suggest that it is the same for every issue printed. The second 'Q' which is at the bottom is advertising the 'Q Review' allowing the readers to find reviews on the latest music albums and other media reviews, as well as giving the page numbers to the pieces that always appear in the magazine, such as the crossword. The page is separated evenly between the textual and pictorial information, making the magazine look sophisticated as there is quite a lot of writing, but also not boring, as the pictures give the readers a break from the text. Most of the photos on the right hand side follow a similar sort of theme, each is made up of dark colours, and featured the same style of clothing and music. The pictures also have the page numbers that correspond with each article, so if a photo interests the reader then they can just got to the relevant page. Having the title of 'Summer 2001' right next to the magazine title shows that this may be a big edition, as there are plenty of issues that would come out during the summer but this seems to converge everything together. The contents page sticks to the same colour palette that is used on the front cover and puts all the important/main articles in a column on the left hand side of the page, making it easy for the readers to find the articles that may interest them the most ect. Each article has either a quote or title to make the articles seem more interesting, people would rather read 'Does she still do like a virgin?' than, 'An interview with Madonna'. All the articles also have a little summary underneath in smaller text explaining what each article includes, and also a bit of the magazine's opinion on things such as 'They're Ash's favourite band. No, not really.' It makes the magazine seem more quirky and fun to read, it's more interesting than just a long list of articles with some photos.
I like how under all the articles Q have put a little bit of information about each one, and in some cases opinions about what the magazine thinks. I think this a really orginal way of making the contents page more than just an index, as it gives the page a bit more of a personality, and makes the readers enjoy it more. This is in an element I would be happy to include in my magazine.
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