Monday 13 December 2010

NME Magazine, Front Cover Analysis.

NME Front Cover Analysis

NME magazine costs £2.20 for each issue, which is cheaper than the other two music magazines I have analysed. Because the cost of NME is much lower than other music magazines, it would encourage more people to buy the magazine and therefore if more people buy the magazine than the bigger profit the company makes. The price would help it to sell as people are more willing to buy something that is as good quality as the more expensive music magazines, but compared to the other magazines, is much cheaper.

The use of hyperbole on the front cover of NME magazine makes potential readers think that NME has the best music, and interviews with the bands that are at the top of the music industry at the moment 'Top 25 bands making America cool again'. This makes NME seem like it has information about 25 bands which are fashionable at the time and the British music industry is greatly influenced by American artists, and therefore the bands that are making America 'cool again' would be more interesting to a younger audience than other types of music, such as classical. However the likelihood that these bands, on their own, are making America cool is very unlikely, and therefore the magazine has exaggerated, and made their content sound much more exciting and interesting than it probably is. The front cover doesn't use direct address in their coverlines, but one of the artists in the main image is looking directly into the camera, and this gives the impression that he is looking right at you. This would draw the readers to look at the magazine as the photo is an invitational photo, there is a lot of emphasis on their eyes, which are looking into the camera and they are half turned towards the camera with a small smile. It invites potential buyers to look more closely at the magazine, because when someone is caught looking at you it generates interest, and this factor is relied on for the front cover.

Target Audience
NME's main audience for this issue would be teenage girls, as the colour palette and style indicates something that would appeal more to teenage girls than boys. The main image is also a close up of two young male artists, which when on a shelf would attract girls attention more than guys because they would be more interested, as generally it is thought that girls listen to male artists rather than female artists. The 'We love USA' element is more fashionable rather than music orientated, which would appeal to teenage girls because they would be more interested as it involves what is in fashion, which is something teenage girls are stereotypically 'obsessed' with.

From NME's front cover I like the idea of using the font for the title and nothing else, as I think it makes the magazines name stand out from all other text, and this is important for a magazine as it helps people to remember the name, and therefore able to buy it again. But this idea could make the front cover look slightly bland as only two texts would be used for the rest of the text and this could make it looking boring, as there isn't much diversity.

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