Friday 17 December 2010

My Magazine Style.

From this magazine I like the use of colours, they have used red, black and white mainly, but there is a big selection of colours used in the left hand side of the front cover. It contrasts well to the black and white image, and the use of cartoon drawings makes the cover look more interesting, but could be deemed as childish. The drawings also interact with the title, which is something that I would like to include on my front cover, this technique looks like a better way to make the title look more vibrant and original, and it also allows the title to still be readable, which is an important factor. As my magazine will be my first edition to be published the magazine title still needs to be visible and easy to read, otherwise people may not be able to remember the name clearly. The main image on the front cover is black and white, which is not something I want to include on my front cover, but it would have to be used if I wanted to add brightly coloured drawings otherwise the front cover would be too colourful and confusing.

This front cover is also an example of how drawings can be used on a front cover. Out of the two I have shown I prefer the use of coloured drawings, although this is also very effective. I like the pose that the model in the main image is pulling, it adds some fun to the style of the magazine, and makes it seem more appropriate for a younger audience, a similar audience to which I will be aiming for. I would use a similar shot for the person I am putting on my front cover, and will consider having my main image in black and white, with maybe certain aspects from the image in colour.

This magazine has gone for a minimalistic look, which I think works really well with the neutral colours and older style of clothing that the model is wearing. On the other hand, the use of all neutral colours could be seen as boring, so this is not an element I would be including in my magazine. I will be including the use of a blank neutral coloured background however, so that if I do decide to use the technique of brightly coloured drawings, my front cover won't look overcrowded and messy.

The font that has been used for this magazines title is an element of the front cover that I like, I think that the font is really unusual, and not something that most magazines would use for their own text. The font is big, rounded and what could be described as 'chunky', which makes it easy for people to read, as well as grabbing their attention next to other magazines, who generally seem to go for similar fonts for their mastheads. I want to use a bold, rounded font for my masthead, as this magazine has done, as I think it would stand out and grab my audiences attention, as well as fitting in with my genre and style of my magazine.

This magazine uses individual boxes containing the letters that make up the masthead, and different colours for each letter. I like the use of the different colours for the masthead, I think it looks effective and adds a streak of vibrancy to the front cover, which wouldn't have been there without the extra colours. I would consider using this for my masthead but I think it would make my front cover look too busy with a vibrant photo as well. However, if I decide to have a black and white main image then there would be a bigger possibility of me using it.

This is a magazine that I really like, I like the font that they have used for their masthead and I like how every issue has a different colour palette, and seems to revolve around one colour. I also like the random and quirky images they have used, and the accessories that don't seem to fit in with the magazine as I think it makes it stand out. This magazines style is something I really want to include in my magazine, and it is the magazine that will influence my magazines look the most.

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